Deadpool 2 Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

6. It's Hilarious

Deadpool 2 Stones

For all of the flaws of the original Deadpool movie, the humour was so perfectly pitched that nobody looked too hard at the areas where it started to fall down a little.

And thankfully, it looks like the sequel is going the same way. There's some healthy lampooning in there of Marvel's biggest rival (more of which soon), cheeky nods to other cultural institutions and the same gleeful self-awareness (and willingness to aim its crosshairs at itself) and it once more looks like it's going to be right up there on the comic spectrum.

It also looks a lot like some of the action sequences are going to be funny, taking a lead from the first film, which is definitely an area the Deadpool franchise ought to own as a trademark. It's not like any other comic book movies can really do it.

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