Deadpool: 5 Worrying Signs From The Trailer

4. Simplistic Fourth Wall References

Deadpool's greatest character trait, as any fan knows, is his self-conscious fourth wall busting style. He is famous for his ability to chat openly with the reader, to refer to previous issues, and having an instinctive understanding of the comic book medium generally (referencing little yellow boxes, turning the page, etc.). This fourth wall breaking has been worked brilliantly into video games featuring Deadpool, including instances in which he has used action cursors as weapons against his opponents and times when he has pleaded with the player to press specific buttons and thus perform certain actions. The trailer introduces this trait pretty well, but it is done in a worryingly simplistic way. This is, more than likely, just because it's a trailer - any attempt to show it in more depth may be alienating for the casual fan. But there have been plenty of films that have seen their lead characters chat to the audience, so Deadpool doing so in this trailer doesn't really come across as anything new - that Green Lantern line is more of an in-joke than an attempt at playing with the medium of cinema. It would great if the directors of Deadpool use the film itself as a tool for Deadpool to break the fourth wall, as has occurred in the games and comics, rather than just relying on self-narration and audience-interaction. The teaser clip that came before the trailer seemed to do that far more effectively than the trailer itself. If the writers can provide more of that, it would really push boundaries and show off the character's undoubtable potential, as well his genuine insanity.

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