As I mentioned at the start of this post, the people who went to watch Deadpool last night were all fans, but their opinions shouldn't be dismissed just because they were no doubt excited to see the movie early. After all, comic book fans are arguably the hardest people of all to please with these adaptations, so if Deadpool hadn't lived up to expectations, that definitely would have been reflected in these reactions (as it was with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 back in 2014). Instead, finding a negative reaction to the movie is damn near impossible, and while that hardly guarantees a 90% score on Rotten Tomatoes, it is a pretty good sign. There will inevitably be more and more negative reactions to Deadpool over the coming weeks as there are with any comic book movie, and these early reactions should always be taken with a pinch of salt. In hindsight, the extremely positive ones which showed up on Twitter for Josh Trank's Fantastic Four were extremely dubious, but didn't hail from a fan event anywhere near as well publicly advertised as this one. So, with that in mind, chances are that Deadpool really is as f***ing awesome as everyone claims and it looks like 2016 will be getting off to a strong start thanks to this R-Rated superhero movie... Are you excited for Deadpool? Have these tweets made the wait until February 10th unbearable? Have your say down in the comments.