Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

It sounds like we're getting a VERY different take on Cable...

While initial estimates pointed to an opening of $70 million in North America, Deadpool completely shattered expectations last weekend with a record breaking haul of $130 million. The R-Rated comic book adaptation isn't showing any signs of slowing down either, so it's hardly a surprise that 20th Century Fox are scrambling to get a sequel going in order to capitalise on a character who might just end up being their new Wolverine. Thanks to star Ryan Reynolds and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, a lot of surprising new details about the planned follow-up have started to surface during their recent chats with the likes of Collider to Empire, and it's quickly becoming clear that there are very big plans being put in place for the Merc with the Mouth moving forward. Those extend beyond his next solo outing though, especially as it now appears that the studio is planning on using the character as a way of building towards the long overdue X-Force spinoff. Here, you'll find details on that, the big changes which are being planned for Cable, and fresh intel on how the sequel is currently shaping up. If you thought the first movie was great, it definitely sounds as if the best is still yet to come for Deadpool as he looks to continue defying the odds by becoming as big a star as Captain America and Batman...
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