Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

6. Deadpool 2 = Iron Man 2?

While many fans would love to see X-Force in the Deadpool sequel, it doesn't sound as if there are currently any immediate plans to have them appear in the Merc with the Mouth's franchise despite the fact that its success has seemingly helped to resurrect the long rumoured adaptation. However, it still appears as if the follow-up will at least start laying the groundwork for that team to be introduced a little further down the line. " certainly could be a path," Reese said when asked if Deadpool has opened the door to that spinoff. "If you look at Iron Man it€™s like you establish him in one movie, you do one more solo movie, and then you move to Avengers. That might be a pretty nicely prescribed path." Despite being quick to add that no decisions have been made, Cable's involvement in Deadpool 2 is definitely a good start when it comes to X-Force. After all, introducing Cable to moviegoers is a smart way to get them familiar with the character before he takes on a leading role in an X-Force movie, just like Iron Man 2 brought in Black Widow and shed some more light on the Avengers Initiative. With any luck, Deadpool 2 won't be quite so heavy-handed and bloated when it comes to world building, but it definitely seems like this sequel is where that team's journey will begin.
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