Disney: 14 Most Devastating Deaths - Ranked

4. Kocoum - Pocahontas

Kocoum may be the most serious character in the Pocahontas film, but he's also the most loyal and good hearted. A brave warrior, Kocoum is the future husband of Pocahontas, or at least, that's the marriage that her father wants for her. He is strong, loyal and dedicated, and his death is the result of these qualities. It is his dedication to his tribe and his love for Pocahontas that leads to his downfall. Upon seeing Pocahontas embracing with Englishman John Smith, Kocoum flies into a fit of rage and attacks Smith. He is then killed by Thomas and this act is a catalyst for the beginning of the war between the Settlers and the Powhatans. Thomas is overcome with grief and panic at this action and Kocoum's death started a violent feud with the Settlers. He died doing what he thought was right and of course, it is Pocahontas who is blamed for his death when she was the one trying to negotiate a treaty with the English. What makes his death so devastating is the fact that it was unnecessary.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com