Disney+ Vs Netflix: Which Is Better?

4. The User Experience

Disney Plus Vs Netflix

The User Interface of a streaming service is such an essential, but mostly underrated, quality of a platform. Most don't even think about it, although they know a bad one when they see one. Ideally, a U.I should be efficient in relaying what your viewing options are and minimizing the delay between signing in and watching.

Disney+ has a U.I fairly similar to Amazon Prime's, albeit a little more cleanly laid out with most things categorized by their respective series or franchise. Scrolling is a bit jumpy, like clicking the far side of a taskbar. Nothing game-breaking, but not very smooth.

Netflix, by comparison, is an increasingly-smooth and efficient process where you know what's available to you and how long it takes to get the show started depends solely on your household's decision-making skills. Scrolling is buttery smooth, everything is laid out, and everything is laid out based on its genre and even budget-level. Figuring out what you want to watch has never been easier (well, in a design sense).

There's a clear sense of progression compared to where the Netflix menus began and where they are now. With years of customer feedback and increased customization options, Netflix's U.I is second to none.

Winner: Netflix


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.