Disney+ Vs Netflix: Which Is Better?

2. The Management

Disney Plus Vs Netflix

While everything preceding this section focused on content, this entry delves more into the quality of management put out by those in charge of each brand. Are they listening to their subscribers, utilizing their feedback? Are they supporting the right projects? Simply put, are they earning your monthly payment?

Both brands have dealt with some controversy, but Disney+'s track record has had several controversies in a severely limited time to put customers off. Whether it was the terrible Simpsons port that saw early seasons become unwatchable or the recent cancellation of the pro-LGBT+ 'Love, Simon' show due to 'adult content,' their judgment has been questionable. Add in the censorship of classic films and they've portrayed themselves as overeager micromanagers.

In comparison, Netflix had gotten into trouble with fans due to their random cancellation of quality exclusives like One Day at a Time and the Marvel shows, but they've been on better behavior recently. While their promotion skills of intriguing low-profile projects need serious retooling, they seem to be working towards a pro-artist reputation and continue seeking interesting, unique projects that aren't just adaptations.

For their ability to seek original projects and allowing artistic freedom for the creatives in charge of said titles, Netflix comes out on top once again.

Winner: Netflix


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.