Doctor Strange: 10 Reasons Benedict Cumberbatch Is Perfect

8. That Intensity

Not that Doctor Strange will be all fun and games. No, there's some serious business mixed in with all the usual superheroic shenanigans, and there's a good chance that the film will take an even darker tone than Captain America: The Winter Solider - especially since its being helmed by Scott Derrickson, a director better known for his work on horror films like Sinister and The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. And one of those umpteen Hellraiser direct-to-video sequels, but that's probably not what landed him the job. So whilst being able to balance that lightness a genre piece requires with a degree of, well, actually acting, the real feat of casting Benedict Cumberbatch as Strange will be in the quiet intensity he can bring to roles. The good Doctor is similar to another fictional PhD holder the actor has been rumoured to be playing at every regeneration - mostly reserved, intelligent, and brooding, with occasional bursts of anger. Mostly, though, it's about the repressed rather than the over-the-top displays of emotion, something Cumberbatch nails in everything from Sherlock to Parade's End.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at