Doctor Strange: 10 Reasons Benedict Cumberbatch Is Perfect

7. He's Used To Talking Mumbo Jumbo

Speaking of Sherlock, doesn't Sherlock speak a load of nonsense? Smaug, too, with all those Tolkien-isms. Let's not even get started on all the sci-fi jargon that was spilling out of his mouth in Star Trek Into Darkness. For an actor used to the sublime turns of phrase Shakespeare wrote the shift to a genre film full of mumbo jumbo could be a little jarring - or maybe turning over even more language that doesn't really make sense nowadays is actually rather familiar. Either way, Cumberbatch is great at it. Which is good, because Doctor Strange requires even more delivery of mumbo jumbo than your average Marvel superhero film. As comics historian Mike Benton wrote, the original sixties Strange comics had their own bonkers cosmology that was a mash up of "psychedelic experiences and Eastern mysticism... Egyptian myths, Sumerian gods, and Jungian archetypes". Slap on top Stan Lee's love of a needlessly complex phrase and you've got a whole lot of jargon-filled speech. Good thing he's already fine with nattering on about mind palaces and the like...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at