Doctor Strange: 10 Villains Mads Mikkelsen Could Be Playing

8. Shuma-Gorath

Doctor Strange Mads Mikkelsen 2.jpg
Marvel Comics

This tentacled lord of chaos is the master of the Old Ones and ruled Earth in prehistoric times. Banished by an ancient sorcerer, this Lovecraftian monster has continued to attempt to re-establish its control throughout the years. Furthermore, his power is so great that it would be one of the most believable sources of how Mikkelsen is doing what he's doing in the trailer.

Now clearly, Mads Mikkelsen is not playing a character whose body is a giant eye with tentacles sprouting out of it. All the same, he could easily be possessed by the creature, be serving it, or simply is Shuma-Gorath in an assumed human form. With magic involved, the possibilities are endless for how the character could be adapted.

However unlikely, to include this cosmic horror monster would be a bold move for Marvel. They’ve never attempted a villain close to this and even if his true form only emerged at the very end, it would still be incredibly daring. They might have to sacrifice certain physical traits for most of the movie but Shuma-Gorath is so compelling and unique that they would probably be forgiven for taking such a risk.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.