Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

9. Astral Projection

Doctor Strange Spells
Marvel Studios

Type: Defense/Offense

Sounding like another strain of potent cannabis, astral projection is invoked when the user separates from their physical self, shifting their spirit from their body by entering a trance and thus gaining access to the Astral Plane. It's basically a spellcaster's one-way ticket to the Mile High Club and many associate surfing the Astral Plane with Doctor Strange.

The Plane itself is an alternate dimension in a space equally equivalent to our very own but all matter is composed of ectoplasm (but not Ghostbusters-style ectoplasm, which is closer to ghost goop).

Astral Projection basically allows Strange to travel anywhere in his spirit form but adept sorcerers and psychics are able to manipulate the plane and use it to commit such feats of awesomeness such as turning their arms into weapons or making themselves gigantic.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.