Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

10. The Images Of Ikkon

Doctor Strange Spells

Type: Defence

Resembling what would happen if the Swamp Thing were to have sex with Cthulhu, Ikkon is a mystical being who is dubbed the Lord of Illusions. If you want those other images of Ikkon, you'll have to go into incognito mode because it's NSFW.

Due to his moniker, you have probably made the assumption that the Images of Ikkon involve illusions of some sort and you would be entirely correct. Although he has actualy defeated Ikkon numerous times and they still have beef, Ikkon still allows Doctor Strange to utilize his incantations to create duplicates of himself or others in order to confuse an enemy or get freaky, Dr. Manhattan style.

You just know what a narcissist like Tony Stark would do if he could summon such a spell.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.