Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

15. 'By The Wondrous Winds Of Watoomb!'

Doctor Strange Spells

Type: Offence

The majority of nonsense that you generally hear Doctor Strange utter, such as the phrase above, were concepts born from the mind of mad genius Stan Lee. With a preference for alliteration, Lee had Strange utter spells that referenced mystical beings and then the actual beings were brought to life later.

Watoomb being one of them, he's a deity that manipulates the weather and looks like either a poorly designed or wonderfully designed Power Rangers villains. His temple based in Australia, Watoomb tried to recruit Strange into the War of the Seven Spheres. Strange denied, which was clever clairvoyance as the conflict lasted around five thousand years.

The 'Wondrous Winds of Watoomb' are summoned when you want weather control and especially wish to produce gusts of extremely powerful winds that can blow your enemies away or used for transportation.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.