Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

16. The Book Of The Vishanti

Doctor Strange Spells
Marvel Studios

Type: Item

The Book of Vishanti is basically the most excessive source for 'white magic' spells on Earth, kind of like the Mein Kampf of spellbooks. The specific author of the book is unknown but you can bet your britches that Doctor Strange has spent many a night under the covers with a torch and the Book of the Vishanti.

The Vishanti are Agamotto, Oshtur and Hoggoth (names you'll no doubt see pop up later). Three of the most powerful magic beings in the entire Marvel Universe, they most probably created the book so that a human student could understand their mystical ramblings.

Containing mostly spells that create defensive magic, the book is indestructible. The same goes for its counterpart, the Darkhold, bible of 'black magic'.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.