Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

11. 'By The All-Seeing Eye Of Agamotto!'

Doctor Strange Spells

Type: Item

Possibly the most popular and recognizable of Strange's phrases and items, the Eye of Agamotto is the name commonly given to the amulet that Strange bears on his chest but the actual Eye itself is contained within the amulet.

It has been theorized that the all-powerful Agamotto, one of the three Vishanti's, created the Eye when he rocked the moniker or Sorcerer Supreme during history. Others say he sort of just found it drifting among the skies and stars, likely somewhere near my dreams of actually getting laid through Tinder.

The Eye grants the user the ability to drawn on Agamotto's own distinct powers and span great distances as well as dispel mystical disguises and illusions. Apparently Agamotto himself is aware each time it's used and can record these times for later viewing so Agamotto is kind of a pervert.

Making it even more powerful and sought after, the Light of the All-Seeing Eye not only has the potential to reveal the truth but to destroy the actual soul of its enemy.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.