Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: 10 Rumours That Could Change Everything

9. Doctor Strange Will Put Together A Team Of Sorcerers

Spider-Man Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

Another similar rumour points to Doctor Strange putting together a super team to help, but with very different members. As Wong explained in the first movie, there are normal threats that the Avengers deal with, but then there are the mystic threats that only certain sorcerers have the ability to deal with.

This is why the New York, London, and Hong Kong sanctums were set up, and why none of the Avengers rocked up to try and defeat Dormammu when he attacked Earth. So it makes sense then, that the Doctor would look to more masters of the mystic arts to help defend the world against the horrors of the multiverse.

The team Stephen puts together will consist of returning wizards Wong and Mordo, the latter of which will more than likely be reluctantly included out of necessity, and MCU newcomers, Clea and Brother Voodoo.

This could even go as far as resembling the team Strange puts together in the Last Days of Magic story arc, in which he travels to different time periods to bring together a handful of different Sorcerer Supremes, including Merlin, and a very young and unrecognisable Ancient One.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.