Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: All Illuminati Members Revealed
The Illuminati will see you now.

*Spoiler warning*
Word of The Illuminati in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness has not been greatly exaggerated. They are here, and they are amazing.
Not every theory about them has come true, and that means Tom Cruise did not come to visit as a Tony Stark variant. Then again, the members that ended up to be true are just as mind-blowing.
Unlike the comic versions of The Illuminati, they are not the leaders of different groups across the 616 universe. Instead, they are a variant of The Avengers in a different universe that Doctor Strange and America Chavez accidentally landed on, the 838 Universe.
Like The Avengers in the main 616 universe, they also got involved with their universe’s Thanos, but how they dealt with Thanos and who were involved were very different. When the Doctor Strange of the main 616 universe approached them, they imprisoned him and held a hearing to determine his threat level.
There has been much exciting speculation of who the members of The Illuminati are since it has been hinted at in the trailers. A fair warning, before reading: Major spoilers will be revealed, not just who the members are, but also their roles, and the things that happened to them.
7. Doctor Strange

A Doctor Strange variant was a member of The Illuminati. To the still-living members, they consider him the greatest threat to the multiverse, to the point that they needed to kill him. Unsurprisingly, this means The Illuminati do not have the greatest impression of the 616 Doctor Strange.
From what can be gathered, this Doctor Strange is not too different from the Doctor Strange we know and love.
Just like our Doctor, he has a complicated relationship with Christine Palmer where they never had a good grasp of what exactly they were to each other. Just like our Doctor Strange, this one has no trouble playing god with the rules of the universe if it means saving lives or stopping a threat.
In the hopes of stopping Thanos, this Doctor Strange tangled with the Darkhold and used it to possess other "Doctor Stranges" across the multiverse. In his quest in doing so, he accidentally destroyed an entire universe.
The Illuminati defeated Thanos through Doctor Strange’s knowledge but The Illuminati executed him because of his universal transgression.
In his last moments, this Doctor Strange accepted his death at the hands of The Illuminati, crying tears of guilt as it happened. While the Illuminati knows about his sins, the entire earth-838 does not, and continue to worship him as a hero that saved the earth from Thanos.
It is an important plot point, as the movie is all about the 616 Doctor Strange’s hubris playing god, despite the risks. The Doctor Strange that accidentally destroyed a universe is his mirror, and there's always a danger that our Doctor Strange enact a similar mistake if he keeps playing god.