Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: All Illuminati Members Revealed
6. Mordo

Because of the death of this world’s Doctor Strange, Mordo became The Sorceror Supreme of the 838 universe. In stark contrast to his 616 counterpart, this Mordo considers his Doctor Strange as his brother. He never became a villain and is a trusted member of The Illuminati.
Yet, it is heavily implied by the 616 Doctor Strange that this Mordo is not so different from the Mordo we know in the main MCU timeline.
Our Doctor Strange believes that this Mordo secretly hated his Doctor Strange, and might be even the one who gave the Darkhold to him, knowing it will corrupt him. All for the hopes of replacing him as The Sorceror Supreme, and getting a membership among The Illuminati.
While none of it is confirmed, the anger Mordo shows when our Doctor Strange said his theory implies there is some truth in it.
The Illuminati are conducting a hearing to assess what they will do with our Doctor Strange, only for Wanda to show up, leaving only Mordo alone with Doctor Strange. A vote should be reached to decide if they need to execute Strange, but because Mordo is angered, he puts it upon himself to kill Steven directly.
Of course, this is all just a part of Doctor Strange’s plan, so his power-neutralizing handcuffs will get cut when Mordo charges at him with a sword. The plan worked and Mordo ended up being handcuffed to a wall.