Doctor Strange Movie: Everything You Need to Know

2. The Footage

Now, if you have read any other articles that I€™ve written on this insanely cool website, you may have noticed a them: the assertion that facial hair instantly makes a man (or a woman, let€™s not be like that) take a leap in the badass scale. According to reports from the D23 Expo, footage of Doctor Strange has continued to confirm my facial-hair theory as Benedict Cumberbatch, the man with cheekbones so sharp they could cut glass, is indeed rocking a goatee that instantaneously turns him into Stephen Strange. The footage also showed some other things of note, such as a bustling city scene where €˜hundreds of cars are being lifted in the air€™ and the city is €˜twisting in on itself, kind of like Inception€™, artwork that highlights what it will be like when Strange astral projects his mind to another world, costume variations, the search for the Ancient One, the car crash that renders him obsolete in the medical world and a hand €˜delivering a blast of light€™. All overshadowed by a goatee.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.