Doctor Strange Reviews: 12 Early Reactions You Need To Know

9. There's More Humour Than Expected

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As Kevin Feige confirmed to Entertainment Weekly. not so long ago, Rick & Morty writer Dan Harmon was brought in both to express his opinions on the sci-fi elements of the film and also to add humour:

"We are all big fans of his work, clearly. We're also fans of his cartoon 'Rick and Morty', which is about, of course, humor, but I would argue that any given episode of that show has an unbelievably amazing sci-fi concept that could be its own movie.So, really, we just wanted him to watch the movie, and talk to us about it, and give us his opinions on the sci-fi concepts," he added. "That was as important to us as any humor that he could add to the movie. And he was very, very gracious in doing that."

So does the humour - which was all over the recent TV spots - work? There was certainly more in there than some expected...

If there's one thing that's going to split the audience, it's the humour (as with any Marvel film), but it's key to say that the rest of the MCU is funny and Strange wouldn't fit into the expanded universe if he wasn't as well.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.