Dune: 5 Reasons It Will Be A Massive Hit (And 5 Reasons It Will Flop)

6. It'll Hit: The Cast

Dune Poster
Warner Bros.

Warner Bros must see massive potential in Dune because they have assembled one of the most stacked casts this side of an Avengers film. Besides casting hot new commodity Timothée Chalamet in the starring role of Paul Atreides, Warner Bros has cast Marvel alumni Dave Bautista and Josh Brolin, Star Wars veteran Oscar Isaacs, Aquaman star Jason Momoa (as Dune fan favorite Duncan Idaho), singer/actress Zendaya, Academy Award-Winner Javier Bardem, and Rebecca Ferguson.

Stacking the cast like this is a savvy move to increase Dune's box office chances since the IP does not have as much cultural cache as say Star Wars or Marvel. Also, the reason that Dune the novel endured for so many decades is because the characters are captivating, often working at cross-purposes with each, having shifting allegiances and motivations. Since film is a visual medium, it will fall on the actors to bring this nuance from the page to the screen without the benefit of the novel's omniscient perspective which explained the inner workings of the characters' minds. .

While it appears Warner Bros has given Dune all the support it needs, this isn't the franchise's first trip to the cinemas and if the past is any indication, Dune has a big hill to climb on its way to be a hit. Here are five reasons that audience will probably choose to skip Villeneuve adaptation of the beloved franchise despite all it has going for it.

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I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.