Ed Harris: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

And 5 That Sucked...

5. John McCain - Game Change

Ed Harris Game Change

Now before I start going over some the man€™s lesser work, let me preface by saying none of these are outright terrible acting jobs. I only highlight these because they each don€™t give what makes Ed Harris one of the most respected actors working today. No more apparent than his turn as John McCain in HBO's take of the 2008 US presidential election.

Hidden behind excessive make-up to transform him into the republican presidential nominee is Harris trying to make the Sarah Palin vice-presidential pick proceedings engaging. Unfortunately, Harris seems oddly detached from the whole process, perhaps overshadowed by Julianne Moore€™s Palin in comparison. Nonetheless, where is the passion that the man usually brings to the screen? Did he leave it in the make-up department?

Writer and film-nut I'm willing to have perfectly reasonable discussions about the movies I love... on the internet... perhaps I asked too much. Read and comment on my personal blog too at cityuponahillmedia.com/blog