Every 2016 Comic Book Movie Character Ranked - From Worst To Best
5. Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
The unqualified success of Suicide Squad was Margot Robbie's marvelous portrayal of Harley Quinn. Yes, it's romanticising mental illness and some may have issues with her mode of dress, but Robbie brings a ton of manic energy to the movie, excelling in both the talkier scenes and the balls-to-the-wall action as well.
If you need proof of the character's popularity beyond all the Harleys out at Halloween this year, Warner Bros. are reportedly in the stages of planning a standalone Harley Quinn movie, which given the strength of Robbie's performance, just might work.
Casting and performance conspire here to ensure that even the hit-and-miss script can't derail a highly memorable portrayal of a comic book icon.