Every 2021 MCU Post-Credit Scene Ranked Worst To Best

1. Multiverse Of Madness Trailer - Spider-Man: No Way Home

Black Widow Post-Credits Yelena
Sony Pictures Releasing

The second post-credit scene at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home was rather unique in that it wasn’t just a tease for something to come, it was a full trailer. The Multiverse of Madness is the next MCU installment set to debut in May 2022, and this was fans’ first look.

To say the movie looks INCREDIBLE would be an understatement. Coming directly off the back of the spell that broke the multiverse, the Strange will have his hands full not only with the consequences, but with Baron Mordo seemingly filling out his threat to relieve the world of its too many sorcerers.

Fans also saw a glimpse of how Wanda will fit in to things, fully clad in her new Scarlet Witch costume, the first live action iteration of the weird and wonderful Shuma-Gorath, and what seemed to be a silhouette of Kaecilius. If the multiverse can bring together three Spider-Men, just think what other madness could happen.

Arguably the most exciting part of the trailer was seeing Benedict Cumberbatch play the Dark Doctor Strange from What If…?. The episode in which Strange lost Christine Palmer over and over again was one of the strongest in the series, and introduced a newer, darker, and far more powerful version of the character. Bringing him onto the big screen could be just one of the aspects of the Multiverse of Madness that may help make it one of the greatest movies the MCU has to offer.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.