Every Batman Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

3. The Batman

Batman and Robin The Dark Knight The Batman
Warner Bros.

Matt Reeves' The Batman finds a unique, deeply compelling niche for itself in the pantheon of Batman movies - in some respects bleaker and more "realistic" than Christopher Nolan's films, but in others keener to indulge the pulpier comic book aspects of the character's lore.

While many will understandably gripe with its epic three-hour runtime and almost relentlessly downcast tone, this is a mighty origin story for this new Batman (Robert Pattinson), assembled with mesmerising skill by Reeves and performed with grungy aplomb by Robert Pattinson.

Though unlikely to become the pop-culture monolith that Nolan's films were, the film's willingness to push its PG-13 rating to the limit and engage with some extremely ugly aspects of human nature is to be commended.

It's easy to see this becoming many fans' favourite Batman movie, even if when taking a step back it doesn't quite boast the razzle-dazzle and genre-redefining inventiveness of the better two films in Nolan's trilogy.

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The Batman
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.