Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)

After Scarecrow, the Joker and Two-Face, The Dark Knight Trilogy really needed to end with a supervillain who was physically a match for Batman. Enter Bane, with an almost-Bronson-sized Tom Hardy stepping into the role. Bane unsettles from his first appearance €“ in that deadly aeroplane sequence €“ and only gets more intimidating from there. His explosive attack and menacing monologue at the football stadium is a brilliant scene as well, adding an even bigger sense of threat to Hardy€™s character. Hardy€™s Bane will be best remembered for (very nearly) breaking the Bat, during that brutal bust-up in his underground base. €œYou merely adopted the dark; I was born by it, moulded by it" €“ a line from that scene - remains one of the best dialogue moments in any Batman movie. Sadly, Hardy€™s performance was marred by that sound effect that muffled his vocal performance. The character is the butt of a lot of jokes these days. His send off €“ walloped by Catwoman€™s motorbike €“ wasn€™t particularly impressive either. A shame, as Hardy could have placed a little higher on this list if those kinks had been ironed out.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.