Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Mr Freeze (Batman & Robin)

Arnold Schwarzenegger€™s portrayal of Mr Freeze will never be forgotten. That€™s why he€™s nabbed a spot a few places up from the bottom of this list. He might be naff, garish and utterly un-frightening, but at least Freeze has some semblance of personality. It might be a terrible movie, but Arnie€™s role in Batman & Robin is essentially to play the comic relief part. With that in mind, he succeeded in his aims. He dispensed puns like nobody€™s business, delivering almost every line of memorable dialogue in the movie. €œIce to meet you,€ €œCool party!€ and €œWhat killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Age!€ have gone down in the history books of hilariously naff puns. You might never have been scared of him (not even as a kid), but at least Mr Freeze lightened things up a bit with his ridiculous dialogue. It€™s not a bad costume, either.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.