Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

10. Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises)

As a seemingly perfect piece of casting, it€™s a shame that Anne Hathaway€™s version of Catwoman only really deserves a bottom-half-of-the-table position in this league of Batman baddies from the movies. Everything seemed perfect €“ the actress, the director, the modern revamp of the look €“ but the end product was ultimately a little lacking, and less enjoyable than Michelle Pfeiffer's version. Perhaps the problem is that we never got to see Catwoman as an outright villain. Yes, she robbed a walking-stick-wielding Bruce Wayne at the start and betrayed him later on, but that€™s hardly enough to set her up as a meaningful adversary. When she turns good to save Gotham, it doesn€™t come as a big surprise at all. Really, the villainous potential of Hathaway€™s Selina Kyle was squandered by the film€™s need to make her something of a sidekick. Because of this, Nolan rushes past her criminal capabilities and gets quickly to talk of the €˜clean slate,€™ saving Gotham, and retiring to Italy. I€™d rather have seen more villainy, but at least Hathaway still got some solid action moments and enough cool dialogue to make an impression nonetheless.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.