Every Bond Movie Pre-Title Scene Ranked - Worst To Best

8. Spectre (2015)

We’ve come a long way since the dodgy dubbing and laughable antics of Diamond’s Are Forever’s pre-title sequence, as the most recent Bond film duly attests.

The Mexico City-set long tracking shot through Day of the Dead festivities is among the most artistic and technically proficient scenes in all of Bond. Following the skull-donning 007, hand in hand with a mysterious masked beauty, is an immersive and atmospheric experience.

It’s not long before Bond brushes off the girl, with more pressing matters awaiting. One casual rooftop walk with surveillance of a nefarious baddie later, and it feels like an old friend has returned after yet another long gap between 007 movies.

Even the sight of Bond falling comfortably into a well-placed sofa reads like a loving homage to the cartoonish affairs of some of Roger Moore’s films, injecting a welcome dose of levity into an era of Bond that has felt serious to the point of grim on occasion.

The breathtaking helicopter hijinks that follow show that the beaucoup bucks that go into movies these days certainly aren’t wasted on Bond films. This was one to remember.

Best moment: Bond, immaculately dressed and toting a sexily carbine-converted Glock 17, confidently strolls across narrow walkways while atop the roofs. He barely even checks his steps! Talk about a head for heights.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.