Every Darren Aronofsky Film Ranked Worst To Best

3. The Wrestler

Black Swan
Fox Searchlight

Wrestling fans are not gifted with a wide array of films that discuss their obsession. There are a few decent projects, but the business is very rarely covered truthfully and honestly. That is, of course, with the exception of this masterpiece.

The Wrestler is a profound dive into the danger and damages the industry can have, but also an exploration of what it means to cling to your former glory.

The story of Randy "The Ram" Robinson deals not only with wrestling but universal concepts like growing old, familial relationships and addiction. It packs in so many emotional concepts that allow the film to feel consistently engaging and truly suffocating at times.

The leading performance from Mickey Rourke is utterly mesmerising, and his character drags you through the problems of his life in a visceral way. Ultimately, you end up understanding him and sympathising despite the obvious mistakes that he is making.

Aronofsky's film is the perfect title if you love the industry and want to see an Oscar-nominated depiction of it.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!