Every DCEU Movie Ranked From Worst To Best (So Far)

2. Man Of Steel

Henry Cavill Man Of Steel 2 Superman Solo
Warner Bros.

Controversial though it might be, we're giving the edge to Zack Snyder's Superman origin story over Aquaman, for while it's certainly a more uneven film overall, it at least dares to do something unique and interesting with an iconic hero. And you know what? It often succeeds.

Yes, the destruction porn is excessive and Jonathan Kent's (Kevin Costner) death scene doesn't really work, but Henry Cavill gives a fine performance as Supes, it refuses to simply be yet another Richard Donner throwback, and it also features one of the boldest scenes from any comic book film of the last decade.

Complain though fans might about Superman snapping Zod's (Michael Shannon) neck, but it was a creative call which saw Zack Snyder challenging the silliness of no-kill policies, governed by hokey black-and-white morality as they are. Superman was backed into a corner with no escape, and did the only thing he could.

Again, it's a film rife with issues, but it's also a bleak and under-appreciated superhero epic propelled by thrilling action sequences, (mostly) great effects, an extremely enviable cast and an all-timer Hans Zimmer score.

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Aquaman DCEU
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.