Every Disney Animated Movie Since 2000 - Ranked
The very best - and worst - of Disney's 21st century offerings.

Since the turn of the millennia Disney has grown into an industry behemoth, snapping up Lucasfilm, Pixar and Marvel to become the largest filmmaking entity in the history of cinema. For better or worse, the Disney name now dominates the movie landscape to the point where it's rare that a multiplex isn't showing one of their films.
This hasn't stopped their animation teams from working around the clock to deliver solid entertainment, and if anything Walt Disney Animation Studios has become even more prolific since the turn of the 21st century. Over these years they have followed industry trends and made the shift away from their traditional cel animation roots into computer generated imagery, drawing upon classic fables and new ideas to tell stories with mass appeal.
Sometimes their efforts have resulted in lacklustre and forgettable fare; other releases have proven to be enduring successes, entering the cultural zeitgeist and destined to go down as classic animated movies on the same order as their best-loved releases.
From disappointing lows to triumphant highs, here are every Walt Disney Animation Studios film released theatrically since 2000, ranked.
19. Brother Bear

With its themes of death and rebirth, the transformation of souls from man to beast and its sense of the scope of the wilderness, Brother Bear feels very much like a reworking of the ideas behind The Lion King, relocated from the plains of Africa to the wilderness of Alaska.
Unfortunately, Brother Bear also feels very much like a lesser rehash of Disney's core ideas, mimicking classics like The Lion King but failing to match them in quality. Joakim Phoenix is perfectly fine as Kenai, the young man who is turned into a bear after killing the bear who killed his brother. But the performances can't undercut the mundane writing which permeates Brother Bear from start to finish.
Brother Bear is one of those films which never seems to rise above a mediocre waterline, taking itself too seriously to be much fun to watch and with too few standout sequences to break up the overall feeling of monotony.