Every Doctor Strange Easter Egg And Reference In The MCU (So Far)

6. The Crossroads - Thor: The Dark World

Thor 131
Marvel Studios

Selvig's blackboard in Thor: The Dark World is one of the most expansive sources of easter eggs in the MCU, not only adding more grounding to the Norse mythology, but also us leading into a more mystical world. There's a couple of allusions to Doctor Strange in there that set the scene for some of his crazy adventures (for fans obsessive to pick up on it at least).

First is a mention of "The Crossroads", a reality where the standard rules of physics don't apply that serves as a connecting point between lots of different worlds. A crossroads, if you will. The primary appearance of the dimension was when Strange banished a rampaging Hulk there, a plot line that it wouldn't be too shocking to see on screen - it would allow the Sorcerer Supreme to logically interact with the Avengers and provides an alternate way to do Planet Hulk.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.