Every Doctor Strange Easter Egg And Reference In The MCU (So Far)

5. The Nexus Of All Realities - Thor: The Dark World

Thor 171
Marvel Studios

On the chalkboard there's also mention of the Nexus Of All Realities, a cross-dimensional gateway between universes that has been used in various continuities within the comics.

This isn't a totally Doctor Strange concept, with all manner of characters from across the Marvel Universe being involved with the Nexus at one time or another, but it's still very much in this mystical branch of the universe that the film is the poster boy for.

In fact, while in the comics the Nexus has appeared intermittently, the allusion to our world being "one of many" in the new teaser suggests it could wind up playing a part (not that Strange is exactly lacking in cross-dimensional powers).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.