Every Fox Movie That Has Bombed Under Disney (And How Much They Lost)

1. The Call Of The Wild ($50 Million Loss)

Ad Astra Brad Pitt
20th Century Studios

Production Budget: $125 million | Worldwide Gross: $114 million

For all the great movies Fox has produced over the years, the fact that The Call Of The Wild was given a $125 million budget is a clear indicator that something was majorly wrong with the company's greenlighting process.

That's the kind of figure normally reserved for blockbusters with global, mass-market appeal (both recent Jumanji movies cost around this much), hardly a budget you should give to a slower, more dramatic piece starring an actor whose days of being a bankable star are long behind him. Instead of creating an awful-looking CGI dog, use a real one as much as you can, and make this for closer to $60 million. Please.

Anyhow, onto the financials. Because The Call Of The Wild is still in cinemas, we can't be fully sure what its overall picture will end up looking like. That being said, the general consensus is that it's going to lose a lot of money when all is said and done: an early estimate by Variety has pegged the movie for a $50 million loss.

The film reportedly needs to make around $250 million to $275 million just to break even, and considering that it's only just scraped past $100 million - and its busiest weekends are long behind it - it will definitely struggle to get there.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.