Every Guillermo Del Toro Movie Ranked Worst To Best

10. Blade II (2002)

Pans Labyrinth
New Line Cinema

Few things could have made more sense: With his self-professed and widely proven love for comic books, as well as his love for bringing monsters to the big screen, del Toro was a simply divine choice to direct Blade II, a superior sequel that works as a mindless action flick and a thrilling display of del Toro's imagination.

It has its flaws -- after all, this is a film about Wesley Snipes' half-vampire vampire hunter teaming up with other vampires to kill new, mutant vampires -- but its poor character development and thin story aren't enough to overpower how damn fun it is, and how much del Toro is clearly enjoying throwing caution to the wind.

Blade II will never be mistaken for high art, nor will it make anyone's list of all-time favourite superhero films, but with del Toro having a blast and the action making for an unapologetically awesome, dumb spectacle, it's hard to fault. It knows what it is, and that's honestly enough.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other