Every Guillermo Del Toro Movie Ranked Worst To Best
7. Crimson Peak (2015)
Del Toro's most obvious foray into the world of haunted houses and an enticing opportunity for him to indulge his Gothic sensibilities, Crimson Peak is the filmmaker at his most alluring and -- despite its cast and simplicity of its story -- maddeningly underrated.
Following a haunted writer who travels to a mansion with her new husband and his unsettling sister, the psychological drama burns with uncertainty and a tension that grows and grows with every twist of its characters' secrets. Oh, and there's ghosts, of course, both real and figurative.
A gorgeously shot ghost story beautifully performed by stars Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, and a deliciously sinister Jessica Chastain, Crimson Peak is bursting with a palpable dread and, though in the end slightly overstuffed, remains one of del Toro's most intriguing and gutsy experiments.