Every Guillermo Del Toro Movie Ranked Worst To Best
6. Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Following the success of Pan's Labyrinth two years previously, studios across Hollywood realised it was probably wise to let Guillermo del Toro loose, so Universal greenlit a sequel to his 2004 gem Hellboy and allowed him to run wild. And as you'd expect, he didn't disappoint.
The Golden Army is a madcap adventure movie, a staggering feat of fantasy and a bracing example of del Toro's twisted, seemingly limitless imagination. It's also, for all its luscious imagery and magnificent production design, a wonderfully fun action movie, far superior and more confident than its predecessor.
Del Toro has never been one to reign it in, and The Golden Army might just be him at his most uncaged and fun. Watching it again, it's a wonder he never returned to work with Perlman on another sequel. God only knows we'd welcome one with open arms, after all.