Every Halloween Movie Ranked Worst To Best

12. Halloween II (2009)

Halloween H20 Laurie Strode Michael Myers

Rob Zombie's 2007 Halloween do-over at least tried to do something a little different with Michael Myers and the residents of Haddonfield, with Zombie bringing his traditional grimy, washed-out tone to the franchise and opting to flesh out some of Michael's backstory.

While that film certainly split opinion, the filmmaker's 2009 sequel took that "little different" of its predecessor and turned the volume up to 11. Scrap that, the volume was more like 111 for Halloween II.

There was a whole bunch of nonsense with Michael seeing visions of a white house and his deceased mother, Dr. Sam Loomis was an utterly detestable arrogant prick, Laurie Strode had her own spiral into violent insanity, and the overall mantra for Halloween II was cramming as much excessive gore in as possible.

Zombie should be commended for trying to bring fresh ideas to the Halloween IP, but the vast majority of those ideas backfired in a major way on Halloween II.

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