Every Harry Potter Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

20. Blaise Zabini

Bellatrix Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

A completely superfluous replacement for Crabbe.

This chap has absolutely no personality. He does nothing except hang around with Goyle and Malfoy. They could've recast Crabbe, or at very least tried a bit harder. He's just another body to fill the screen. This is understandable, due to them having to replace Crabbe in the first place, but the fact remains that Blaise is as dull as a blunted butter knife.


Avid writer of screenplays, blog posts and more. Love Tarantino, pirates, horror, and the UFC. I'll watch or play just about anything. I adore every aspect of filmmaking; editing, writing, music, sound design, cinematography, production design, acting, and directing, I love to write more personal posts on my blog @ www.htmediabysamnicholson.wordpress.com.