Every Hidden Pennywise From IT Chapter 1 & 2

10. The Parade Clown - It

It Pennywise Parade
Warner Bros.

It seems the Derry parade is a hot spot for Pennywise hauntings, as Richie would be able to attest after the events of the second movie. But long before Paul Bunyan tried to smush him, we got a hint of Richie's susceptibility to Pennywise in the first movie.

When the Losers attend the Derry Independence Day parade in the centre of town, we see a show being performed on stage. During this scene, the Losers each admit their fears, with Richie admitting his is clowns. As they talk, if you look in the background, a weirdly tall clown stares at them with the same frozen energy as the librarian.

And then when Richie admits his fear and turns to the stage, the clown - who is clearly Pennywise in disguise - offers him a balloon dog.


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