Every James Bond Girl Ranked From Worst To Best

19. Aki - You Only Live Twice

James Bond Girls Ranked
United Artists

While Kissy Suzuki is making out with Bond at the film's end it's Aki, a high-up Japanese agent, who dominates the film. Aki is also better than several of the other previous Bond Girls from the first four films too.

She's an entertaining, charismatic character who was, come to think of it, the first Bond Girl who felt like something of an equal to Bond himself. She actually rescues him a couple of times. Wakabayashi is clearly struggling to a bit with the English dialogue throughout, but that doesn't really undermine Aki overall and she's a very likeable ally overall.

There is, however, one big problem with this character. She gets assassinated via poison by a bad guy... and neither Bond (despite his romance with Aki) nor her boss seem to care! They both act with indifference to her death and she's not mentioned again in the film, so this bit is incredibly jarring.

Other than that though, Aki is a good Bond Girl overall.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.