Every James Bond Movie Pre-Credits Scene Ranked Worst To Best

20. Thunderball - Bond Kills Spectre No. 6

James Bond Goldeneye Opening

This one being so low will be controversial, since it's widely remembered, but when people think about this scene they're thinking about one thing: Bond's iconic jetpack.

And yes, the jetpack is cool, but the rest of the pre-credits scene is head-bangingly stupid.

Bond attends the apparent funeral of Colonel Jacques Bouvar, a Spectre operative, but when he witnesses his widow opening the car door by herself, he follows her back home and it's revealed that the 'widow' is... the still-alive Colonel Jacques Bouvar (Bob Simmons) in drag.

The pair then have an admittedly bad-ass fight scene which would be cooler were it not for Bouvar's silly attire, before Bond kills him and then escapes in the jet-pack. After that, Bond gets into a car with a French agent and they repel the pursuing guards with... water jets sprayed out of the back of the car.

This whole sequence is just too goofy and ridiculous and feels like something from one of the bad Roger Moore films, while the jetpack doesn't look so good now thanks to the blatantly obvious forward projection effects. Therefore, it honestly deserves to be remembered as one of the worst pre-credits scenes in the Bond series.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.