Every James Bond Movie Ranked Worst To Best

25. Octopussy (1983)

Spectre Daniel Craig
Eon Productions

Roger Moore strikes again, this time starring in a film that he wanted nothing to do with and was almost written out of in favour of James Brolin.

Octopussy was released to compete with Sean Connery's non-Eon Bond flick Never Say Never Again, and sports a plot so needlessly complicated that by the time Moore turns up on-screen dressed like a sad clown, chances are high you will have lost interest in what's going on.

Like the previous film, Octopussy is much more focussed on straightforward spy work than wacky gadget-driven nonsense, but struggles to find its identity amongst the story's complex twists, misplaced humour and lazy execution.

The film comes complete with a barely-there Moore performance, a story about Fabergé Eggs and nuclear war, and a plodding pace that renders the entire picture almost unbearably dull.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.