Every James Cameron Movie Ranked Worst To Best

6. Avatar: The Way Of Water (2022)

T2 Judgment Day
20th Century Studios

A sequel to his phenomenally successful smash hit Avatar, The Way of Water finds Cameron at his most particular and personal, but also his most imaginative, epic and inarguably flawed. It pushes the visuals forward whilst taking a step back with the story, something Cameron often stumbles with.

Produced with a higher frame rate than normal blockbusters, bursting with some of the most luminous, awe-inspiring imagery and worldbuilding of recent times, The Way of Water is first and foremost a feast for the senses, as loud and overbearing as it is beautiful and perfectly polished.

But a film has to be more than pretty pictures, and whilst The Way of Water has other virtues, from its strict environmentalist themes to its rollicking finale, its disappointingly thin story makes it hard to get comfortable. It's touching and fun in the right places (and, yes, gorgeous), but it still leaves you feeling a bit empty.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.