Every James Wan Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

3. The Conjuring

Malignant Saw Aquaman
Warner Bros

The Conjuring may tout a familiar premise on the surface, but it's also persuasive proof that execution counts for a lot.

A classically spooky ghost story elevated by its character-driven drama and sublimely crafted set-pieces, Wan relies mostly on practical effects and creative camerawork to deliver a supernatural horror flick with real lingering heft.

The stars of the show are of course Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as the Warrens, though the entire ensemble cast is on spectacular form, while Wan elevates his filmmaking to a new echelon with his gut-wrenching, tightly-wound suspense sequences - culminating in some well-placed jump scares.

It may feel like the series has more-or-less run its course today, but the killer mood and loving craft of the original cannot be doubted.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.