Every John Cena Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Sisters (2015)

John Cena Sisters
Universal Pictures

On paper, Sisters should have been great as it united SNL veterans Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, but it would be fair to say that neither of the very funny stars has quite captured the same magic on the big screen as they did on the small screen.

Still, Sisters has its moments - particularly in the first 20 minutes - but it's something of a shame that the material isn't quite up to their enthusiasm all the way through.

Cena turns up here as non-nonsense drug dealer Pazuzu - a role that required extensive facial tattoos and a comically slim-fitting white vest. He's a funny beefcake type, with a more sensitive edge despite his appearance (which works well not only here but also in Trainwreck), and he's one of the film's real stand-outs.

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