Every Jon Favreau Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Chef (2014)

Jon Favreau Chef.jpg
Open Road Films

It€™s impossible not to read something extremely self-referential in Chef€™s message that making food for the soul, made of love is far more gratifying and rewarding than seeking critically adored spectacles.

Chef was Favreau€™s palate-cleanser after the comparative lows of Iron Man 2 and Cowboys & Aliens, and it€™s equally hard not to see his in-story take-down of critic Oliver Platt as allegorical of his feelings about the backlash to them.

In both the story and the production, Favreau sort to go back to basics, and his heart-felt tale of a father rebuilding his relationship with his son and his love for his craft is a genuine joy to watch. It€™s a wonderful statement about love (in all of its forms), and proved - in a strange way - that Favreau was ready to make something big and bold again.


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