Every Kevin Smith Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Tusk (2014)

Tusk Kevin Smith
A24 Films

Much like Yoga Hosers, Tusk seems to exist solely because nobody told Kevin Smith it couldn't. It's based on a ludicrous idea, which actually sounds like a prank that wasn't nipped in the bud when it first came up: why else would anyone make a film about a man obsessed with transforming another man into a walrus?

You can't really knock Smith for pursuing originality, or indeed for the uniqueness of the project, but not everything fresh and new necessarily deserves to exist. As a curio, it's worth watching - much like Circus Sideshows had their audiences back when such things were de rigueur - but it's an almost provocatively difficult thing to watch, and an even harder one to appreciate.

Even those who appreciated the experience of watching - or at least the novelty of that experience - would probably be quick to acknowledge that it's something they'd probably wish they could wipe from their memory banks.

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